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Producing the best mobile apps for the UW experience

Help for Developers

Figuring out where to enter the mobile space can be daunting. Do you invest time making your websites and web applications mobile-enabled? Or do you start developing apps? If you choose to develop apps, which platform should you begin with? And where — and in what format — will the data to drive those apps come from?

The mobile space is indeed a whole new world when it comes to development. But it’s only going to grow in importance, and it offers many new, exciting opportunities for anyone who does web and application development.

The UW Mobility initiative aspires to foster a campus community of mobile developers that benefit from collaboration, knowledge-sharing and access to open-data services.

App Development and Deployment

Do you need to develop apps for Apple or Android platforms, or deploy apps to the app stores? Access to Apple and Google app development and deployment resources is provided to UW–Madison departments and faculty, staff, and students free of charge. For more information or to be added to any program, contact us.

Apple — iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod), macOS (Mac), tvOS (Apple TV), watchOS (Apple Watch), iMessage

  • Apple Developer Program — Develop and distribute free and paid applications via the Apple App Store; access and test prerelease versions of Apple operating systems and software.
    • Note: We cannot publish apps to the App Store for individuals, only UW–Madison departments. You may still access the developer resources.
  • Apple Developer Enterprise Program — Develop and distribute in-house applications (not via the App Store).
  • Apple Developer University Program — For faculty or instructors using iOS in a course or curriculum.
  • Apple ID Login — For students, faculty, or staff interested in individual testing. This option is available to anyone with a free Apple ID and should be suitable for most users.

Compare above programs.

Google — Android

Microsoft — Windows

  • Coming soon

Mobile Device Management

Need more information, or ready to be added to a program? Contact us.

Development Services

DoIT can develop mobile apps for your administrative and business or teaching and research needs. Contact us to discuss your mobile app project.


CS 407 — Foundations of Mobile Systems and Applications
Design and implementation of applications, systems, and services for mobile platforms with (i) constraints, such as limited processing, memory, energy, interfaces, variable bandwidth, and high mobility, and (ii) features, such as touchscreens, cameras, electronic compasses, GPS, and accelerometers.

CS 707 — Mobile and Wireless Networking
Design and implementation of protocols, systems, and applications for mobile and wireless networking, particularly at the media access control, network, transport, and application layers. Focus is on the unique problems and challenges presented by the properties of wireless transmission, various device constraints such as limited battery power, and node mobility.

UW Game LabGame Design Certificate
The Game Design Certificate is a joint program between the Departments of Curriculum & Instruction, Art, and Computer Sciences designed to empower students with the skills, understanding, and background to create and produce games independently, to develop a body of work, and gain critical perspectives on games and game design. The certificate will focus on game design in the general sense: creating, testing, and understanding how to design gameplay to be fun and impactful, across board games, video games, gamification, and even classrooms.

Campus Resources

iOS Developer Mailing List
For individuals at UW–Madison working on iOS development.

Internet of Things Systems Research Center
The IoT Systems Research Center brings together multidisciplinary researchers and leading companies to engage in thought leadership, breakthrough research, hands-on investigation and knowledge-sharing activities. Our aim is to foster deeper understanding, accelerated innovation and development, and successful deployment and adoption of IoT.

Field Day Lab
Based at the Wisconsin Center for Educational Reserach at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, we are a truly interdisciplinary team of educational researchers, software engineers, artists, and storytellers, exploring the intersection of current learning science and media design, specializing in mobile media, video games, and simulation. Seeking to do what’s never been done before, we constantly innovate, play, take risks, and mess-make.

GEAR Learning Group
Gear Learning at UW–Madison’s Wisconsin Center for Education Research provides a dynamic hands-on game development resource for campus researchers, outreach groups and external educational partners. We make products, teams and companies better. Gear Learning is part of the Wisconsin Center for Education Research in the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Education.